Christ Light Letters – A new blog
So it’s the weekend and we thought we’d impose a new blog on you. It’s important to keep in touch when we can’t actually meet up face-to-face. We’re going to try some of our posts in video format too … which is a whole lot more risky. I’ll keep the vids to under three minutes and I’ll try to post something every week (no promises). Let’s see how that goes. (Shrugs shoulders).
So, obviously, there are a lot of opinions out there right now. I don’t want to add more unnecessary noise to the cacophony and I certainly don’t want anyone to think that my opinion counts for very much in the big scheme of things. It doesn’t. As always, we need to rely on the Scriptures for our perspectives and our insights. However, I don’t want this to be a sermon either – I’m going to try and keep these posts short and to the point and I don’t think that I’m good enough a preacher to deal with any scripture with brevity and still do it any real justice. So I’m just going to try and share some of my thoughts each week. I want to try and get us thinking and talking about things that matter. But I’ll also try to point you to relevant Scriptures and Biblical concepts for you to look into and understand for yourselves. It’s always best for us to be like the noble Bereans who didn’t take Paul at face value but searched the Scriptures to verify what he was saying (Acts 17:11). So I hope to prompt some thinking but, hopefully, the thinking will be shaped by the truth.
I’ll never pretend like I know all the answers or can’t make mistakes. If there is something which you read on this blog with which you disagree or would like to discuss, feel free to get in touch. I promise to acknowledge it when I get something wrong or realise that I’ve communicated something poorly.
I hope I can encourage and inspire a little … and maybe even make you smile occasionally.
On that note, check out our instagram profile, #legochurchplanter has made a small come back due to popular demand. 🙂
’til next weekend.